How bad posture can affect your mental health and ways to remedy it

aging, Beauty, cardio, challenge, exercise, mental health, posture, remedies, stress, women, yoga


Poor posture doesn’t just affect your physical health, it can wreak havoc on your mind, too. Stylist examines the more serious side of slumping.

Are both of your feet firmly on the floor? Is your back resting against your seat?  Are your shoulders relaxed? Or on reading this are you all of a sudden shuffling your body into a more presentable posture? Thought so.

New research from the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) has revealed that more people in the UK are experiencing weekly back or neck pain compared to five years ago – and our posture while at work has been highlighted as the biggest culprit. But since four in five people in the UK now have a desk job and 94% of adults own a smartphone (which also affects how we hold our bodies), it’s near impossible to swerve the effects your posture can have on your health. As…

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